Privacy Policy

Personal Data Protection Policy

in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU 679/2016) and the applicable national legislation

1. Introduction

Our Company takes the protection of your personal data seriously. For this reason, we strictly follow the following protection policy, which ensures the high level of the services offered and strictly complies with the applicable legal framework.

By visiting our Website and our online store you are aware of and accept the following policy for the protection of your personal data. In case you do not agree with the following policy, you cannot access our Website and our online store and use our services.

2. Who we are

We are the individual footwear trading company KAMPOUKOU KANELLA of Sotiriou, with registered office at 80 Kappadokia Street, Kato Toumba, Thessaloniki, P.O. Box 54453, with VAT number 100156808. For any clarification and information, the user/visitor may contact the following telephone number +302310988060 and e-mail address

Our Company, as Data Controller, collects, stores, uses and generally processes your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

We would like to assure you that for our Company the protection of your personal data is of primary importance.
For this reason, we take appropriate measures to protect the personal data we process and to ensure that the processing of personal data is carried out both by our Company itself and by third parties who process personal data on our behalf, always in accordance with the obligations imposed by the applicable legislation.

This Policy provides detailed information about when and why we collect your personal data, how we use and process it, how long we keep it and, finally, under what conditions we may share it with others.
By providing your personal data, you indicate that you accept our Privacy and Cookie Policy and agree that we collect, use and share your personal data as described herein. If you do not agree to this, please do not provide us with your personal information.

3. Purpose and basic principles of the processing of personal data by our Company

This Policy aims to protect the rights and freedoms of data subjects and applies to any processing of personal data carried out by our Company.

This Personal Data Protection Policy and the processing of personal data based on it, which our Company undertakes, is based on the following principles:

- Legitimacy, objectivity and transparency in processing
- Limitation of the purpose of processing
- Minimisation of the data being processed
- Accuracy and timeliness of the data processed
- Integrity and confidentiality in processing
- Limitation of retention/storage time
- Compliance with the applicable legal and regulatory framework

4. Your personal data - What is it?

"Personal data": means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person ("data subject"); an identifiable natural person is one whose identity can be verified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity of that person; Personal data relate only to natural persons and can identify a natural person, either directly and alone or in combination with other information held by the controller.

5. What personal data we process

Depending on the purpose for which we process your data from time to time, as explained below, we may need to process one or more of your data, which will generally be, as the case may be, the following:

  • your identity details (for example, your first name, last name, language and country from which you interact with us, address details, contact details etc.)
  • financial and transaction information (for example your payment or card details, information about your purchases, orders, returns, etc.)
  • connection, geo-location and web browsing data (for example location data).
  • commercial information (for example, if you have subscribed to our newsletter)

Please remember that when we ask you to fill in your personal data to access any function or service of our online store, we will mark certain fields as mandatory, as these are data that we need in order to be able to provide the service or to give you access to the specific function. Please note that if you choose not to provide us with this information, you may not be able to complete your user registration or enjoy these services or features.

In certain cases, a third party may have provided us with information about you, for example by sending an order to your address. In these cases, we only process your data in cases where it is relevant to this service, as set out in this Privacy and Cookies Policy.

6. For what purpose do we process your personal data?

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

1. To manage your registration as a user of our online storeς: If you decide to register as a user in our online store, we need to process your data in order to identify you as a user and to give you access to the various functions, products and services available to you by virtue of your status as a registered user. You can cancel your registered user account by contacting us at +302310988060 or by email at Please note that the data we collect about your activity, which has been collected through our online store and which includes your purchases, will remain linked to your account so that all information can be accessed together.
2. For the development, fulfilment and performance of the sales or service contract you have entered into with us through our online storeς:This purpose includes the processing of your data, mainly for:
▪ Communicate with you about updates related to the functions, products or services for which a contract has been concluded.
▪ Manage the payment of the products you purchase, regardless of the payment process used. For example:
▪ If, when purchasing any of our products through the website, you choose to enable the function of saving your payment data and your shipping address for future purchases (where this function is available), we need to process the indicated data to enable and develop this function. Consent to enable this feature allows your payment data to be automatically populated in subsequent purchases so that you do not have to enter it in each new process and this data will be considered valid and effective for subsequent purchases. You can modify or cancel your payment data at any time through the section corresponding to the payment information, from the registered user account you have registered on our website.
▪ To activate the mechanisms needed to prevent and detect unauthorized uses of our Website (for example, during the purchase and returns process) and possible fraud committed against you and/or us. If we believe that a transaction may be fraudulent or we detect abnormal behavior that suggests an attempt to
fraudulent use of our features, products or services, this processing may result in consequences such as blocking the transaction or deleting your user account.
▪ Managing occasional possible changes or returns after purchase and managing requests for product availability information, product reservations depending on the availability of such options.
▪ For billing purposes and to make available to you receipts and invoices of purchases you have made through our online store.  
3. For customer service purposes:We only process personal data that is absolutely
to manage or resolve your request or application.
4. For marketing purposes:This purpose includes the processing of your data, in particular, for:
▪ If and when you subscribe to our Newsletter, we will process your personal data to manage your subscription, including sending you personalised information about our products or services through various means (such as email or SMS). Remember that you can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time via the instructions provided in each update.
5. Usability and quality analysis to improve our services:If you access our website, we will inform you that you will
we manage your browsing data for analytical and
statistical purposes, that is, to understand the way in which
users interact with our website.

7. How we are authorised to process the your data

The lawful bases that allow us to process your personal data also depend on the purpose for which we process it, as explained in the table below:

1. To manage your registration as a user of our WebsiteWe process your data because it is necessary for the performance of the terms governing the use of the website. In other words, in order for you to be able to register as a user of the website, we need to process your personal data, otherwise we would not be able to manage your registration.
2. Development, performance and execution of the purchase or service contractWe process your data because it is necessary for the execution
the purchase contract
or providing services with you. Some processing of data related to the purchase process is only activated because you request or authorise it, such as the storage of payment data for future purchases. In these cases, our processing of your data is supported by your own consent. We consider that we have legitimate interest carry out the necessary checks to detect and prevent possible fraud or fraudulent use of the website, for example when
you make a purchase or return. We understand that the processing of these
data is positive for all parties involved: for you, as
allows us to implement measures to protect you from attempts
fraud committed by third parties, for us, as it allows us to
avoid unauthorized uses of the website. As well as
for all our customers and society, as it protects the interests of all by ensuring that fraudulent activities
are discouraged and detected when they occur.
3. Customer ServiceWe believe that we have a legitimate interest in responding to the requests or questions you have raised through the existing different means of communication. We understand that the processing of this data is also beneficial to you to the extent that it allows us to adequately assist you and respond to the questions raised. When you contact us, in particular to manage events related to your order or to the product/service acquired through the website, the processing of your data is necessary for the performance of the purchase contract. Where your request relates to the exercise of your rights which we inform you of below or to claims relating to our products or services, we are permitted by law to process your data for the purposes of complying with our legal obligations.
4. MarketingWe are permitted by law to process your data for marketing purposes because of the consent you provide us, for example when you consent through cookie settings or when you accept the legal terms and conditions for participation in a promotion.
5. Usability analysis and
We consider that we have a legitimate interest in analysing the usability of our Website and the degree of user satisfaction, as we understand that the processing of this data is also beneficial to you because its purpose is to improve the user experience and provide a higher quality service.

8. How long will we keep your data?

The retention period of your data will depend on the purposes for which we process it, as explained below:

1. To manage your registration as a user of our Website.We will process your data for as long as you remain a registered user (i.e. until you decide to unsubscribe)
2. Development, performance and execution of the purchase or service contract.We will process your data for the period of time necessary to manage the purchase of the products or services you have obtained, including any returns, complaints or claims related to the purchase of that particular product or service. Sometimes, we will only process your data up to the time you decide, as in the case of payment data you have requested that we store for future purchases (where this functionality is available).
3. Customer Service.         We will process your data for as long as it takes to fulfil your request or application.
4. MarketingWe will process your data until you unsubscribe or cancel your subscription to the Newsletter.
5. Usability and quality analysis.We will process your data occasionally during an activity or a specific quality survey or until we anonymise your browsing data.

Regardless of how we process your data for the period of time strictly necessary to achieve the respective purpose, we will then keep them duly stored and protected for the period of time during which liability may arise from their processing, in accordance with the applicable legislation. Once the limitation period for any claim has expired, we will proceed definitively and effectively to delete the personal data, with the appropriate measures, where applicable (e.g. recycling, use of a document shredder, anonymisation, etc.).

9. Personal data of minors

Our Company understands the importance of protecting the personal data of minors. Our Website and online store is neither directed nor intentionally designed to be directed to minors. It is the intention of our Business not to knowingly collect or maintain personal data of minors who may have access to our Website. If it is established that any personal data have been collected from a minor without the assistance of the legal requirements in each case, such data will be deleted immediately.

10. Who are the recipients of your personal data?

In the fulfilment of the contractual and legal/regulatory obligations of our Company, the service of its legitimate interests, as well as in cases where our Company is authorised or has received your consent, the recipients of your data may be the following:

- Our employees. Access is classified according to their position and duties and is limited to the data necessary for the purposes of the specific processing they are responsible for.

Our external business partners and third parties who provide services to us, such as, but not limited to, representatives of our Company, an accounting firm, providers of IT products and/or services and/or support for all types of information and electronic systems and networks, storage, archiving, file and data management and destruction companies, payroll service providers, telecommunications companies, seminar and training companies, credit institutions, tax and legal advisors, facility security service providers, insurance companies, financial institutions, tax consultants and legal advisors, insurance companies, insurance companies, and other service providers. In all cases, our company takes the necessary measures to ensure that all personal data information transmitted receives an acceptable level of protection.

National or international regulatory, fiscal or other authorities or public bodies or courts, when required by law or regulation or by order (e.g. police)

Partners when required for communication, relationship management and execution of transactions requested.

Third parties carrying out audits to us in the context of our regulatory obligations, customer relationships or obligations under applicable law.

Here is the policy we apply to those with whom we share your Data in accordance with the above:

  • We only provide the information they need to perform their specific services.
  • They may only use your Data for the precise purposes we specify in our contract with them.
  • We work closely with them to ensure that your privacy is respected and protected at all times and that they take appropriate security measures and generally comply with the applicable legal framework for the protection of personal data.
  • If we stop using their services, any of the data they hold will be deleted or made anonymous.

11. International Transfers of your personal data

In the context of our activities, our Business may need to transfer or disclose some of your data to third countries (i.e. countries outside the European Economic Area) if:

a) an adequate level of protection is ensured in accordance with the European Commission by the third country, territory or one or more specific sectors in that third country (Article 45 GDPR); or

b) appropriate safeguards have been provided for their processing by the recipient, in accordance with the law.

If none of the above conditions apply, transmission may take place provided that:

a) you have provided our Company with your express consent to do so; or b) the transfer is necessary for the performance of your contract with our Company; or c) the transfer is necessary for the establishment or exercise of legal claims or the defence of our Company's rights; or

d) is there a relevant obligation of our company under a legal provision or an intergovernmental agreement.

12. Use of Cookies

This website uses cookies. When the User enters our website there is information about the use of cookies and a hyperlink to this cookie policy. Please read the Cookie Policy to understand in more detail the cookies we use, their purpose, how to manage your preferences and other information of interest to you.

13. How do we protect your personal data?

We are committed to safeguarding your Personal Data. Our Company takes the security of your personal data very seriously. Therefore, we have taken all appropriate organizational and technical measures to ensure the security and protection of your Data from any form of misuse, interference, loss, unauthorized access, modification or disclosure. We update our security measures periodically by carrying out regular audits and inspections to establish and verify the security of the Data and the implementation of this Policy. They are amended whenever deemed necessary and appropriate.

14. What are your rights?

  1. Right of access to data: You have the right to request access to your personal data, in accordance with Article 15 of the GDPR.By requesting access, you can be informed of the categories of your personal data that we hold and process, the purposes of their processing, the categories of recipients to whom the data have been or will be communicated, the period for which they will be stored, the existence of a right to rectification or erasure of data or restriction of processing.
  2. Right to rectification: You have the right to request the correction of inaccurate data as well as the completion of incomplete data concerning you, by submitting any necessary document showing the need for correction or completion in accordance with Article 16 of the GDPR.
  3. Right to restriction of processing: You have the right to request the restriction of the processing of your personal data, under the conditions of Article 18 GDPR.
  4. Right to object to processing: You have the right to object at any time and on grounds relating to your particular situation to the processing of personal data concerning you, where it is based on Article 6(1)(e) or (f) of the GDPR.
  5. Right to be forgotten: When you no longer wish your personal data to be processed and kept, you have the right to request their erasure, provided that the data are not kept for a specific legitimate and stated purpose, in accordance with Article 17 of the GDPR.
  6. Right to data portability: You have the right to receive or request the transfer of your data, in unreadable form, from us to another controller, if you so wish, in accordance with Article 20 GDPR.

Please note the following in relation to the above rights:

  • Your rights under III, IV and V may not be satisfied, in whole or in part, if they concern data necessary for the establishment and/or continuation of the operation of the contract, irrespective of the source of their collection.
  • Our Company has in any case the right to refuse your request for restriction of processing or deletion of your personal data if the processing or data retention is necessary for the establishment, exercise or support of its legal rights or the fulfilment of its obligations.
  • The exercise of the right to portability (above under VI) does not imply the deletion of the data from the records of our Company, which is subject to the conditions of the immediately preceding paragraph.
  • The exercise of the above rights acts for the future and does not relate to data processing already carried out.

You can also withdraw your consent at any time. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on consent prior to its withdrawal and the re-granting of withdrawn consent is permitted.

In addition, you reserve the right to submit a written complaint to the competent supervisory authority regarding the protection of personal data, namely the Data Protection Authority, (Kifissia 1-3, P.K. 115 23, Athens, +302106475600, contact email,, if you believe that your rights are violated in any way. It would be preferable, however, for relations between us as well as for our improvement, if we were given the opportunity to hear your concerns directly and manage them, so please contact us before taking any action to approach the Data Protection Authority.

15. How can you exercise your rights? Contact us.

If you have any comments/comments regarding the use of your personal data or any questions regarding this Policy for the Protection of Personal Data, please contact our Company in writing either by sending a Physical Letter to our headquarters (80 Kappadokia, Thessaloniki, Kato Toumba, P.O. Box 54453), or by sending an Electronic Letter (, always indicating your full details and the reason for contacting our Company. Your questions and any suggestions you may have regarding our Privacy Policy are welcome.

Also, to exercise your rights, you may submit a request in writing by sending a physical letter to the above address or by sending an email to the Email account:

To protect the confidentiality of your information, we will ask you to verify your identity before proceeding with any request you make under this Privacy Policy. If you have authorized a third party to make a request on your behalf, we will ask them to demonstrate that they have your permission to act for this purpose.

16. When do we respond to your Requests?

Our Company will make every effort to respond to your request within one month of receipt of the request. This period may be extended by a further two months if necessary, taking into account the complexity of the request and the number of requests. We will inform you of such an extension within one month of receipt of the request and of the reasons for the delay. 

17. What is the applicable law when we process your Data?

The applicable law is Greek law, as formulated in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, and in general the applicable national and European legislative and regulatory framework for the protection of personal data, including the decisions, circulars, opinions and general acts issued by the Hellenic Data Protection Authority.

18. How will you be notified of any changes to this Policy?

We may modify the information contained in this Privacy and Cookies Policy when we deem it necessary. If we do so, we will notify you in various ways through the website (for example, through a banner, pop-up window or push notification) or we may even send you a notice to your email address when such change is important to your privacy so that you can review the changes, evaluate them and, if applicable, opt-out or unsubscribe from a service or feature. In any case, we suggest that you check this Privacy and Cookies Policy from time to time to see if we have made any minor changes or introduced any interactive improvements, taking advantage of the fact that you will always find it as a permanent point of information on our Website.

This privacy policy was last modified on 15/03/2022.

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